--- Some Information about Life of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) ---
A great quiz for kids & adults, this in-depth test contains 50 questions about the blessed life of Sayyidina Rasulallah
A great quiz for kids & adults, this in-depth test contains 50 questions about the blessed life of Sayyidina Rasulallah
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1. When & where was the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
was born in Makkah on 12th Rabiul Awwal.
1. When & where was the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
2. On which day was the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
was born on Monday.
3. What is the name of the Holy Prophet
’s mother?
The name of the Holy Prophet
’s mother is Hazrat Aminah.
4. What is the name of the Holy Prophet
’s father?
The name of the Holy Prophet
’s father is Hazrat Abdullah.
5. When did the Holy Prophet
’s father pass away?
Six months before the Holy Prophet
’s birth.
6. When did the Holy Prophet
’s mother pass away?
When the Holy Prophet
was 6 years old.
7. What is the name of the Holy Prophet
’s grandfather?
Hazrat Abdul Muttalib.
8. Who took care of the Holy Prophet
after his mother’s death?
His grandfather.
9. When did the Holy Prophet
’s grandfather die?
When the Holy Prophet
was 8 years old.
10. Who took care of the Holy Prophet
after his grandfather’s death?
His uncle Abu Talib.
11. What is the name of our Holy Prophet
His name is Hazrat Muhammad
, son of Abdullah.
12. What is the meaning of ‘Muhammad’?
‘Muhammad’ means ‘the Praiseworthy One.’
13. What titles were given to the Holy Prophet
by the people of Makkah?
The titles were Sadiq and Ameen.
14. What is the meaning of ‘Sadiq’ and ‘Ameen’?
‘Sadiq’ means true and ‘Ameen’ means honest.
15. How old was the Holy Prophet
when he got married?
The Holy Prophet
was 25 years old.
16. Who did the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
married Hazrat Khadija
17. How old was Hazrat Khadija when she married the Holy Prophet
She was 40 years old.
18. How many sons and daughters did the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
had 3 sons and 4 daughters.
19. What are the names of the Holy Prophet
’s sons?
The names of the Holy Prophet
’s sons are Abdullah, Tayyab and Ibrahim.
20. What are the names of the Holy Prophet
’s daughters?
The names of the Holy Prophet
’s daughters are Zainab, Ruqayya, Umme Kulthum and Fatima.
21. When and where did the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an happen?
The first revelation was at the cave of Hira when the Holy Prophet
was 40 years old.
22. What happened at the cave of Hira?
Angel Jibra’il brought the message of Allah to the Holy Prophet
23. What did Angel Jibra’il say to the Holy Prophet
He asked the Holy Prophet
to read.
24. What did the Holy Prophet
The Holy Prophet
said he could not read.
25. How many times did Angel Jibra’il ask the Holy Prophet
to read?
He asked 3 times.
26. How many verses were revealed in the first revelation of the Holy Qur’an?
5 verses were revealed.
27. Who was the first person to accept Islam?
Hazrat Khadija 
28. Who was the first man to accept Islam?
Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique 
29. Who was the first child to accept Islam?
Hazrat Ali 
30. Who was the first slave to accept Islam?
Hazrat Zaid
31. What was the message the Holy Prophet
was spreading?
There is no God other than Allah, and Muhammad
is his Last Messenger.
32. What did the non-believers of Makkah say to the Holy Prophet
They insulted him and opposed him.
33. How old was the Holy Prophet
when he migrated to Madinah?
The Holy Prophet
was 53 years old.
34. What was the first name of Madinah?
The first name of Madinah was Yathrib. (The Holy Prophet
has told us not to call this blessed city Yathrib again; instead we should call it Madinah or Tayba.)
35. What does Yathrib mean?
City of Disease.
36. What is the meaning of Madinatun Nabi?
Holy city of the Prophet.
37. What building did the Holy Prophet
& the companions make in Madinah?
Masjid Nabawi.
38. When and where did the battle of Badr take place?
The battle of Badr took place in Makkah in the 2nd Hijra.
39. What is the importance of the battle of Badr in Islam?
It is the first battle in Islamic history.
40. How many non-believers were in the battle of Badr?
1,000 non-believers were present in the battle of Badr.
41. How many Muslims were in the battle of Badr?
313 Muslims were present in the battle of Badr.
42. Who won the battle of Badr?
The Muslims won the battle of Badr because they were brave & they had love for Allah & the Holy Prophet
43. What was the 2nd battle in Islamic history?
The battle of Uhud is the 2nd battle in Islamic history.
44. Can you name 4 famous battles in the Holy Prophet
’s lifetime?
Badr, Uhud, Tabuk and Khandaq.
45. When did the treaty of Hudaibiya take place?
The treaty of Hudaibiya took place in the 6th year of Hijri.
46. When did the conquest of Makkah take place?
The conquest of Makkah was in the 8th year of Hijri.
47. When did the Holy Prophet
perform his last Hajj?
The Holy Prophet
performed his last Hajj in the 10th year of Hijri.
48. What did the Holy Prophet
say about youngsters and elders?
The Holy Prophet
said that those who do not show respect to his elders and love to his youngsters is not amongst the righteous.
49. What is the importance of love for the Holy Prophet
No-one can become a true believer unless he loves the Holy Prophet
more than his family, friends, wealth and everything else in the world.
50. What is the duty of every Muslim?
To follow the Holy Qur'an & Sunnah so that we can be good people and please Allah & the Holy Prophet